Jessica Rustige

Licensed Trademark Agent

Jessica Rustige is an accomplished paralegal with over two decades of expertise in the legal field.

Originally from Nova Scotia, Jessica spent 10 years as a Court Reporter and Justice of the Peace, honing her legal writing skills. When she relocated to Ontario in 2018 with her family, she established her own paralegal business, specializing in patent and trademark administration. Holding a Canadian Trademark Agent in Training license since 2021 and successfully attaining her Trademark Agent designation in 2023, Jessica has a proven dedication to her profession. In January 2023 she commenced her employment partnership with Pillar IP, Inc. and is responsible for the administration and handling of many of our valuable portfolios, not to mention becoming very adept at trademark searching and prosecution.

Currently residing in Ottawa with her husband, two boys, and two dogs, Leia and Chewy, Jessica enjoys the remote work setup, aligning with her passion for travel and returning to Nova Scotia each summer to reconnect with family and friends. In her leisure time, she finds joy in hiking adventures, yoga practice, and attending live music performances.

Chewy & Leia

Chewy and Leia are located at our Ottawa location. Chewy is our Chief HR Officer. He ensures a positive work environment and promotes employee well-being and sustainability. He organizes regular “Wellness Walks” during breaks, promoting both physical and mental well-being while enjoying the outdoor green spaces around the office. Leia is our Head of Reception Services. She ensures a stress-free environment by greeting employees and visitors with tail wags and offering on-demand cuddles.